Sightseer Stereo Viewer

England, 1950s

This hard-to-find, two-tone 3D viewer from API, Ltd uses 35mm stereo filmstrips. The plastic body was made in several colors and the viewer has no capability to adjust focus or interocular. The filmstrips are also very hard to find but we’ve managed to collect over 30 different Sightseer film titles.

Green Sightseer Stereoscope

The green Sightseer is the one we see most often and was the first in our collection. It came with one roll of film and for a while that was the only Sightseer filmstrip we had.

Maroon Sightseer Stereoscope

This maroon and gray Sightseer is less common and took us a few years to find.

Brown Sightseer Stereoscope

This brown Sightseer appears to be an earlier model. It comes with a 2-piece box for the viewer and the film is in a canister, rather than in the usual small film box.