Treasurscope Stereo Viewer
United States, 1950s
Produced by the Treasurscope Company in Glendale, California, this black, plastic viewer is almost identical to the made-for-erotica Modelscope and Tru-to-Life viewers. That’s where the similarity ends, though, as this one was marketed towards a more family-oriented audience with packaged slide albums of family-friendly “Treasureslide” stories.
Treasurslide Album
Famous Hollywood Actors in “Tales of Western Courage”
“The Honor of an Indian Chief” - Album No. 204
Treasurslide Album:
Hollywood Trained Animal Actors in “Story Lives of Famous Animals”
“The Kopper Katches a Rat” - Album No. 207

Treasurslide Album List

Side-by-Side Style Comparison
Here’s the Treasurscope (left) next to the very similar Modelscope (right) and Tru-to-Life (center) viewers.