Sterling Stereo Viewer

United States, Chicago, Illinois, 1950s

This ivory version of the Sterling has the elegant & individually adjustable gold eyepieces. It is presumably made by the same company that made the practically identical Shaffer, Colorama, and Douglas viewers. There were two versions (both shown below): one had eyepieces that could be individually focused and the other version had a knob on the side that would focus both eyes simultaneously. That second version was very similar in style to the Busch and Verascope Lumineux viewers.

Primary Material: Plastic
Media Format: Film chip slide (4p, 5p, 7p)
Light Source: Battery-powered (D cell)
Focus: Adjustable
Interocular: Adjustable

Dustronic Sales Kit with
Sterling Stereo Viewer (marketed here as the “Duo-Vue”)

Note that this Sterling viewer does not have the individually focusing eyepieces like the one above.

Sterling DeLuxe Stereo Viewer (Model #800) Box & Brochure

Side-by-side comparison of 3 different Sterling viewers.

Comparison photos of the identically-built but differently-branded Sterling, Colorama, and Shaffer stereo viewers.