Viewscope Stereoscope | Fitaskop

Germany, 1910s

The gold border, logo, and collapsible design of the Viewscope stereo viewer are the same as Bing-Werke’s Fitaskop 1 viewer; however, the Viewscope’s stereoview holder accommodates the larger 45x107mm stereoviews like the Fitaskop 2 (the Fitaskop 1 was designed for the miniature 30x70mm views). So, it’s somewhat of a mix between the Fitaskop 1 and Fitaskop 2. The Viewscope box uses the same design as one of the Fitaskop boxes except with the word “Viewscope” replacing the word “Fitaskop” and the “1c” being increased in price to “2c” for the Viewscope. We aren’t sure what prompted the branding change to Viewscope.


Collapsible metal stereoscope with the glossy black, gold border & logo design of the Fitaskop 1 but designed for 45x107mm stereoviews.

Fitaskop 2

Flat black, bevel-edged, collapsible metal stereoscope designed for 45x107mm stereoviews.

Folding Tin Fitaskop (NPG style)

This black, tin Fitaksop has a different design but is also designed for miniature 30x70mm views, like the Fitaskop 1 (not pictured). The design is the same as the NPG tin advertising viewers. The label inside the box top promises “magnificent, three-dimensional effect, just like with the large apparatuses.” It’s accompanied by 3 series of stereoviews of the Harz mountains, published by Carl Hildebrand.