Novelview Stereo Viewer
New York, United States, 1930s
The Novelview viewers came in two versions. One is a black & silver model that has a slider to advance the film and the other has an Art Deco design and a knob to advance the film.
Novelview - Prototype, 16mm filmstrip
This is definitely not something we ever expected to come across. A Novelview filmstrip in 16mm format (instead of the normal 35mm) and a viewer to match it. It comes from the estate of someone who worked with Novelview and perhaps represents an early design idea.

Novelview - Slide Advance
Wheaties cereal did a special promotion for Novelview on the Jack Armstrong radio show. The promotion included a special film featuring Jack Armstrong in Africa and the slide-advance version of the viewer, calling it a Moviescope. We don't see these sets often; when we do, the viewer is super rusty, the film is ripped, or the box is half missing. This set is missing a film listing sheet and the white strip of paper that was wrapped around the filmstrip.
Italian Novelview — Slide Advance
Italy, 1930s
Novelview — Art Deco

Rare Novelview Boxed Set
Rare Novelview Baseball Films
April Catalog of Novelview Films - No. 1.
100-Behind the Scenes Ser. I. African Animals.
100A-Behind the Scenes Ser. II. Mounting Gorillas.
100B-Behind the Scenes Ser. III. Squirrel Mounting.
101-American Birds, Natural Habitat Groups.
102-Butterflies Ser. 1. North and South American.
102A-Butterflies Ser. II. Babitat Groups.
104-Hayden Planetarium Ser. I. General Views.
104A-Hayden Planetarium Ser. II. Copernican Planetarium.
104B-Hayden Planetarium Ser. III. Mechanical
107-Microscopic Water Life Ser. I. Radiolaria.
108-Malarial Mosquito, Beautiful Scale Models.
109-Comparative Anatomy Ser. I. From Fish to Man.
109A-Comparative Anatomy Ser. II. Solar Engine.
110 Dinosaurs.
300-Sleeping Beauty.
301-Three Little Pigs.
302-Three Little Kittens.
303-Goldilocks and 3 Bears.
304 Cinderella.
305-Puss in Boots.
306-Hansel and Gretel.
307-Red Riding Hood.
308 Ali Baba Ser. L.
308A-Ali Baba Ser. IL.
400-Niagara Falls Ser I. American and Canadian.
400A-Niagara Falle Ser. II. Night Shots.
401-Coney Island Ser. I. Summer and Winter
Bathers. 401A-Coney Island Ser II. General Views.
402-Atlantic City Ser. I. Surf and Boardwalk.
402A-Atlantic City. Ser. II. General Views.
402B-Atlantic City Ser. III. Hotel Traymore.
403-Mt. Vernon. A National shrine, home and burial place of George Washington.
404 -Statue of Liberty.
406-Acoma, N. M. "The City in the Sky."
408-Father Coughlin's Old and New Shrines.
409-Bryce and Zion Canyons, Utah.. NaturalBeauty Spots.
410-Grand Canyon. Scenic Wonder of the World.
500 -Washington, D. C. Ser. 1.
500A-Washington, D. C. Ser. II.
500B-Washington, D. C. Ser. III.
501-New York City Ser. I. General Views.
501A-New York City Ser. II. George Washington Bridge.
501B-New York City Ser. III. Misc. Bridges.
501C-New York City Ser. IV.
Central Park. 501D-New York City Ser. V. Fulton Fish Market.
501E-New York City Ser. VI. Rockefeller Center, Part I.
501F-New York City Ser. VII. Rockefeller Center, Part II.
502 -Chicago Ser. I. 502A-Chicago Ser. II.
503 -New Orleans Ser. I. French Quarter.
503A-New Orleans Ser. II Docks and Parks.
503B-New Orleans Ser. III. High Spots.
504 -San Antonio, Tex. A Charming City.
505-Salt Lake City. Headquarters of Mormon Church.
506 -Santa Fe, N. M. Second Oldest U. S. City.
507 -Taos, N. M. A Pueblo Town.
600-Rio de Janeiro. Most Beautiful Harbor.
601 -Mexico City Part 1. One of the Oldest Capitals
601A-Mexico City Part II. General Views.
603-Xochimilco. The Mexican Venice.
604 Taxco. The Gem Town of Mexico.
801-American League Pitchers. How to hold the ball.
802-National League Pitchers. How to hold the ball.
803-"Dizzy" Dean. How he pitches
804 The Dean Brothers. "Dizzy and Paul."
805-New York Giants, 1933 World Champions.
806 St. Louis Cardinals. 1934 World Champions.
807-World Series 1935 Tigers vs. Cubs.
808-Bridges, Rowe and Cochrane; 1935 Tigers Star Batteries.
809-1935 World Champions, Detroit Tigers.
810-1935 Chicago Cubs Star Batteries.
811-1936 Chicago Cubs Ser. I. National League Champions 1935.
812-1936 Chicago Cubs Ser. II. National League Champions 1935.
813-1936 New York Giants. Batteries.
814-1936 New York Giants. Outfield,
815-1950 New York Giants. Ser. 2.
816-1936 New York Giants, Ser. II.
817-1936 St. Louis Cardinals.
832-Dazzy Vance.
900-Navajo Indians. The Nomads.
901-Pueblo Indians.
902-Mexican Indians.
903-Mexican Indians. Arts and Crafts.
1000-Christopher Columbus-His Early Life.
ARCHAEOLOGY (American Pre-Historic Ruins)
1200 The Mexican Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon.
1201-The Cliff Dwellers Ser. I. Artificial and Natural Caves.
1201A The Cliff Dwellers Ser. II. Mesa Verde.
1300-Story of Cotton.